Improving healthcare: what can I do?
We all share a desire to improve healthcare. But how can each one of us have a genuine impact on people’s health and the healthcare sector? The Medical Delta Event (formerly MedTechWest) aims to fuel cooperation among healthcare professionals in order to achieve real healthcare improvements.
Get inspired and get to know your next collaborators at the Medical Delta Event 2016!
09.00 - 10.00
Registration / Coffee
10.00 - 10.15
Welcome and introduction theme of the day
Ferry Breedveld, Chairman Medical Delta
Roel Kamerling, Director Medical Delta
10.15 - 10.30
Trend 1: Turning hospitals into high tech companies
Prof. dr. Mark van Buchem, LUMC – neuroradiology
10.30 - 10.45
Trend 2: From sickness care to vitality
Prof. dr. Martine Bouman, EUR (tbc)
10.45 - 11.00
Trend 3: From one size fits all towards personalized and precise
11.00 - 11.30
11.30 - 13.10
Parallel sessions / World Café setting
Trend 1: Turning hospitals into high tech companies
Trend 2: From sickness care to vitality
Trend 3: From one size fits all towards personalized and precise
13.10 - 15.00
Lunch and networking
Speed networking
Exhibition of companies
Meet and Greet with YOUNG Medical Delta
15.00 - 15.30
Keynote: 70% change-maker/ 30% troublemaker: an intrapreneurs guide to making change happen
Milan Samani, Leadership Labs, United Kingdom
15.30 - 16.30
8 minute Inaugural speeches by 7 new Medical Delta Professors
16.30 - 17.00
Installation ceremony and wrap up
17.00 - 19.00
Please visit the website for more information and registration.