Healthwise Conference

Centre of Expertise Healthwise of the University of Groningen organizes its third annual Healthwise conference on Friday 30 October 2015. The theme of the conference is ‘The Dream Team!? Informal care provider, patient, and professional’, with keynote speakers Edward Norton (University of Michigan), Marius Buiting (NVTZ) and Sophia de Rooij (UMCG). Managers, professionals and researchers who work in the healthcare sector, science and policy world are cordially invited for this meeting. The conference offers a diverse program with plenary presentations and parallel sessions of both scientists and professionals from practice.

Centre of Expertise Healthwise of the Faculty of Economics and Business organizes an annual conference around current themes in the science and practice of Health (Care) Economics, Business, and Management. The Healthwise conference is a network meeting where the healthcare sector, academia and the policy world meet.

When and where?
Friday 30 October 2015, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Duisenberg Building of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Nettelbosje 2, Groningen (Zernike Campus).

For whom?
If you are a manager, professional or scientist interested in themes like: New professionalism, Economic analysis of informal care, Family participation in healthcare, Experiences of patients and informal care providers, Early-life conditions and lat(er)-life outcomes, and Incentives in healthcare, then the conference will be very interesting for you.

Keynote speakers
We are proud to announce that we can welcome leading speakers from healthcare science and practice, including our keynote speakers prof. dr. Edward Norton, mr. Marius Buiting, and prof. dr. Sophia de Rooij:

  • prof. dr. Edward Norton is Professor of Health Management and Policy, University of Michigan;
  • mr. Marius Buiting is director of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Toezichthouders in de Zorg en Welzijn (NVTZ) en co-author of the book "Verdraaide Organisaties, Terug naar de bedoeling";
  • prof. dr. Sophia de Rooij is internist-elderly care & clinical geriatrician and director of the "Universitair Centrum Ouderengeneeskunde UMCG".

Science and Practice
In several parallel sessions (Dutch and English) we learn from the experiences of innovative organizations, such as Espria, Noorderbreedte, UMCG and Vilans. The academic perspective will be provided by leading researchers, such as professor Maarten Postma (UMCG), professor Erik Buskens (UMCG), professor Kees Ahaus (RUG), dr. Govert Bijwaard (NIDI), dr. Manda Broekhuis, dr. Marjolein van Offenbeek and dr. Viola Angelini (RUG). At the end of the conference, young talents of TalentWeb Groningen will reflect on the conference theme.

For more information visit the website.

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