Take your chance NOW to be a part of the world’s largest medical exhibition!
Behold the latest medical product presentations and make use of the many network opportunities. This all makes MEDICA the best meeting point for specialists, investors, agents, distributors and professionals from more than 170 countries! So, that’s why you can’t miss out on this exhibition!
Please find more information on the medica.de website.
The Health~Holland Pavilion
We’re glad that Task Force Health Care will be organising the Health~Holland Pavilion at the MEDICA in Düsseldorf for the 12th time. The Health~Holland Pavilion will be organised in cooperation with Health~Holland and at the request of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). The MEDICA has also been appointed by the Dutch Topsector Life Sciences & Health as a strategic important exhibition, so if you didn’t know already how valuable this exhibition is, you know now!
What to expect?
Be amazed by the 144m² Health~Holland Pavilion that will showcase many facets of the Dutch LSH sector thanks to the participating Dutch companies & organisations. Besides you’re up for a full programme of networking activities and events!
Prices for participation
Did you know that your company can also be a part of the Health~Holland Pavilion? We’ll guarantee that if you participate, you’ll be happy you did. Note: We work on a first-come, first-serve base so don’t wait too long with signing up.
- Participants in the pavilion have the choice of the following 4 packages, click here.
How to register?
Let your company flourish at the Health~Holland Pavillion and sign up for participation at the MEDICA 2022 right away! So please fill out and return the registration form MEDICA 2022 before June 15. It may look like you’ll have plenty of time to sign up, but we’d like to remind you kindly we work on a first-come, first-serve basis.
If you have any questions or remarks regarding the Health~Holland Pavilion at the MEDICA please contact:
Task Force Health Care
Léonie Schuurmans
E leonie.schuurmans@tfhc.nl
T +31 (0) 702 199 002
Additional information about doing business in Germany
Did you know that:
- you can download the Germany | TFHC Market Study 2019?
- you can join the PIB German eHealth programme?
- we can be found on the Altenpflege and the DMEA from 26-28 April?
- this summer a Digital Health mission to Baden-Württemberg takes place?
Good to know! Health Valley Netherlands organises a bustour going to the MEDICA. More information can be found here: https://healthvalley.nl/nl/events/medica-2022/!
Source: Task Force Health Care