In a globalizing world with changing life-styles we should consider all kinds of interactions between human health, animal health, plant health, the environment, climate change, food security, social changes, economic development and trade etc., to improve our approach towards preventing diseases. In global one health research we need to combine efforts of multiple research disciplines to improve health of humans, animals and plants within sustainable ecosystems at global level by using an integrated systems approach to come to transnational and global solutions. Internationally many research institutes are active in the field of One Health or Global Health, often working from just a few of the mentioned disciplines.
The aim of this symposium will be to show innovations that can tackle the future needs in global one health research and improve cooperation between researchers and different stakeholders to make the combined approach work.
Where: Wageningen Campus, Wisdom & Wonder Pavilion, Wageningen
When: Thursday 5 April 2018, 9:00 – 17:00
For whom: scientists, policy makers, and R&D Departments which have their interest or expertise in Global One Health Research
The event is free of charge, but registration is required.
Program: click here to view the program
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