From 16 – 18 April, Task Force Health Care (TFHC), in cooperation with the Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO) Stuttgart and the East Netherlands Development Agency, organises a visitor programme to and during the ConhIT trade fair and congress in Berlin. The ConhIT is the most prominent eHealth and health IT event in Europe.
Digital Health Opportunities in Germany
With more than 80 million inhabitants, Germany is the largest healthcare market in the European Union. Ideally located to the east of the Netherlands, it is no surprise that Germany is the number one export destination for Dutch businesses and a great market for companies to start their export activities as well as to further build on already existing activities.
Germany shares a number of health challenges with The Netherlands, namely: an ageing population, rising costs of healthcare and a need to quickly and securely share medical information between healthcare providers and patient. As Germany is a large country, eHealth solutions also provide a possible answer to healthcare delivery in rural and structurally weak areas.
In terms of Digital Health, Germany has long been hesitant towards Digital Health solutions from a privacy point of view. However, since the eHealth Law was passed at the end of 2015, which has gone into effect January 1st, 2016, digitisation of the healthcare system has been a priority for German politicians and the healthcare sector alike. These trends and developments make the German market highly interesting for Dutch smart and innovative eHealth solutions.
What to expect?
This visitor programme will give you a great insight in the German Digital Health market in a short period of time and will bring you in contact with relevant partners. The programme will consist of the following segments (still subject to change):
- Visit to the ConhIT Trade Fair & Congress, Europe’s most prominent Health IT event.
- Individual matchmaking with relevant parties facilitated by the Enterprise Europe Network.
- Collective visits to relevant organisations in- and around Berlin.
- Dutch Digital Health Night (incl. Pitch event*) at the Netherlands Embassy during which networking between Dutch & German key stakeholders in digital health is the goal.
- Network receptions to (informally) network with relevant parties.
- Länder panel where the Dutch delegation will be officially introduced at the ConhIT.
- Knowledge sharing and networking with other members from the Dutch delegation.
- Support from the TFHC (sector specialist) and the NBSO Stuttgart (Germany specialist).
*Pitches will be carefully selected and are not guaranteed due to limited timeslots. If interested, contact us!
Target audience for this programme
Businesses and knowledge institutes active in the Healthcare sector, especially (but not exclusively) those focusing on the following areas of expertise:
- eHealth (Digital Health): Smart solutions to use health resources such as information, finance and medicines better and more efficiently. Services and technology to enable remote patient monitoring; better dissemination of information and improved access to health services, remote consultations and telemedicine.
- Mobility & Vitality: Smart products and services designed to stimulate, enable and facilitate disable, less abled and vital citizens to be and stay active and mobile participants/ contributors in society.
How to join?
The participation fee for this visitor programme is €795 and €595 for TFHC-partners (excluding VAT, travel and lodging expenses). Want to join with multiple people? a second participant from an organization gets 10% discount on the relevant price.
50% Discount: You may be eligible for an SIB Mission voucher offered by With a mission voucher, SMEs (MKB’ers) could get a financial compensation towards the participation fee. To find out if you are eligible for the mission voucher, click here for more information.
Please register before the 23th of March.
Preparation meeting
To improve the collective and individual success of the visitor programme, the TFHC will organise a preparatory participant meeting on Tuesday, March 29th.
More information
For more information regarding this visitor programme to the ConhIT 2018, please contact Guido Danen: / T: 070 21 99 001.
For more information regarding the German (e)Health market and its opportunities, please contact Mirjam Mulder of the NBSO Stuttgart: / T: +49 711 870 38 550.