Microplastics & Health (MPH)

Solutions to detect and prevent microplastics and their health effects

Technology and innovation provide solutions for microplastics-related health issues.

A healthier living environment is an important societal goal. At the same time, the levels of microplastics in our living environment are expected to increase in the next decades. Human exposure is evident by the detection of microplastics in drinking water, food, air, and in human stools, which may pose a public health threat. This partnership is providing much needed knowledge into the exposed to plastic particles, from which sources, and how it can affect human health. By collaboration with parties from water treatment, the plastics value chain, policy makers, and NGOs, possible solutions and innovations are being explored to prevent the potential health effects. The first fifteen international academic research projects started in 2019, to be continued as a public-private consortium in 2020. The Ministry of Infrastructure and the environment has asked MPH to develop a knowledge agenda, addressing the most urgent research needs for policy and innovation, thereby paving the way for continued innovation in this field.

Mission of PPP

The fast growing use of plastics, their abundance in the environment, and concerns on the health implications. This partnership of scientists, policy makers, NGOs and private parties, aims to develop knowledge based solutions to reduce human exposure and health effects.

Frank Pierik (public)
Illustrative image