Are you interested to explore the growing Indonesian healthcare sector, or do you want to strengthen your existing relations in the country? If so, the upcoming Health mission to Indonesia might be of interest to you. Join us from May 13th to May 16th to Jakarta and (re-)connect with key opinion leaders and strengthen your position on the Indonesian healthcare market. Moreover, it is most likely that high-level participation in the mission from the Dutch Ministry of Health is involved (tbc).
When: May 13, 2024 – May 16, 2024
Where: Jakarta, Indonesia
For: Connected Care, Health Infrastructure, Digitalisation, Medical Devices
This is the third outgoing mission with the SMM ASEAN Connected Care program (2021-2023), targeting Indonesia. The successful Indo-Dutch public-private collaboration is reinforced by a MoU covering topics such as: Health system strengthening; Anti-microbial Resistance (AMR) and the Impact of Climate Change on Health. The mission serves both newcomers to Indonesia that are keen to discover the healthcare sector, as well as organisations that already have experience in the country. Newcomers will be offered dedicated preparation sessions to get most out of the visit. And follow-up activities are already foreseen.
About Indonesia
The healthcare market in Indonesia is poised for significant growth and offers ample opportunities for both domestic and international players. With a growing middle class, supportive government initiatives, technological advancements, infrastructure development, medical tourism potential, and at the same time an underserved part of the population in remote areas, ample opportunities continue to develop.
Indonesia’s large (private) healthcare market and government spending on universal healthcare, makes it an attractive market. The implementation of the universal healthcare program has increased the demand for hospitals, physicians, and medical equipment. The Indonesian government has eased regulations to allow foreign investors to have a larger stake in specific sub-sectors, such as pharmaceuticals and hospitals. At the same time, regulatory burdens continue to exists, and the policy landscape, including local content requirements, remains fluid.
Additional market information on the ASEAN region can be found in the LSH Market Study Indonesia (published in 2021).
What to expect
The overarching theme during this mission is Connected Care, with the following particular topics of interest:
- Solutions that help to organize care in institutions/hospitals, and between hospitals and other places (clinics/rural/elderly care/home) more efficiently and effectively.
- Medical devices, including eHealth solutions, advanced diagnostics, treatment and monitoring tools, including telehealth solutions.
- Health infrastructure solutions, physical infrastructure, but also digital infrastructure to connect rural and urban areas, for example.
Source: TFHC