MIT COVID-19 Challenge; Sequel in The Netherlands
On Friday the 12th of June, a couple of international teams that joined the MIT COVID-19 Challenge at the beginning of April had the opportunity to pitch their solutions against COVID-19 to a group of Dutch stakeholders from the Life Sciences & Health community to explore possibilities to implement their solution in the Netherlands.
HollandBIO is proud supporter of the MIT COVID-19 Challenge and together with Health~Holland, Innovation Attaché Network in the US and the team of the MIT COVID-19 Challenge organized this follow-up pitch session. After the pitches, the Dutch stakeholders offered support for collaboration and implementation possibilities.
Due to great interest a lot of Dutch partners joined the pitch session including NeLL, Takeda, Invest in Holland, Noaber Foundation, Taskforce Health Care, RVO, NL Venture Builders, InnovationQuarter, ZonMW and the Dutch Taskforce for Applied Research (SIA). Especially in times when the focus tends to be national, support of cross-border collaboration should be supported.
Source: HollandBIO