Interested in taking your business to the next level in the Colombian healthcare market? Join the trade mission on Life Sciences and Health. This trade mission, which will take place from 21-24 February 2022 in Bogotá and Cali, offers the perfect opportunity to reconnect with important stakeholders and key decision-makers.
This mission is part of a multi-year approach that has been made possible by the Holland House Colombia and the “Partners in International Business” (PIB) named WeCareColombia. The LSH PIB WeCareColombia is a partnership between the Dutch government, RVO and the TFHC PIB Covenant.
Latest trends and developments of Colombia’s healthcare system for 2022
The Colombian health system has been named the best in Latin America and is ranked 22nd worldwide by the World Health Organization. Nevertheless, the country is working on strategies to close the gap between urban and rural/remote areas, facing challenges such as efficiency and financial sustainability. Taking into account the sectorial environment and macroeconomic growth expected in 2022, the health system is likely to be under significant pressure due to an ageing society and increasing demand. Therefore, comprehensive and integrated networks are now being created to provide opportunities to develop initiatives that could contribute to improving healthcare provision, such as the implementation of the Digital Health Roadmap for the coming 10 years. This, in combination with the fact that the Netherlands has a comparable health system to Colombia, leads to new opportunities to provide highly innovative healthcare solutions.
Interested in more information about the main changes in the health system in Colombia for 2022? Then join the Health~Holland Digital Reconnect Colombia on Thursday November 25th, 2021!
What to expect?
This trade mission will provide excellent opportunities to reconnect with relevant business contacts and to learn more about the latest trends and developments of the Colombian Life Sciences & Health sector. You can expect the following programme components during the mission.
(Please note that below items may be subject to change)
- Introduction to the Colombian healthcare market.
- Collective visits to relevant LSH stakeholders; such as public- and private hospitals, health units, universities, insurers/EPS etc.
- Technical seminars/roundtables in two of Colombia’s main LSH cities: Bogotá and Cali.
- Networking reception where you can meet and invite (new) local business contacts.
- Individual matchmaking, including up to 6-8 customised appointments with potential clients and/or partners.
- Knowledge sharing and possible cooperation with participants within the Dutch LSH Delegation.
- Presence and support from the Task Force Health Care and the Holland House Colombia.
To increase the quality and success of the mission, individual intake meetings will be organised to prepare for the matchmaking. After registration, you will receive more details. The programme will be updated in the coming months. The input of participating organisations will be taken into account.
Is this mission relevant for you?
The LSH mission is relevant for companies and knowledge institutes active in the Dutch Life Sciences and Health sector, in particular for those in the following fields:
- eHealth and Digital Health Solutions
- Cancer screening
- Non-communicable diseases
- Public health
- Value-based healthcare
Note: In favour of the scope and quality of the mission, they reserve the right to accept or decline participants who do not belong to the relevant target group for this mission
Participation fee
The participation fee is € 750,- (excl. VAT) per person, per organisation.
This fee includes participation in the collective programme, collective local transport and local support by organising parties. Costs for travel, accommodation, meals, translators and individual transportation are not included. Traveling will be on the 20th and 24th (in the evening) of February 2022.
Register today!
If you want to be part of the Dutch LSH delegation, please register here before December 17th 2021.
COVID-19 clause
Due to rapid developments with regard to COVID-19, there is a risk that the mission cannot take place on the planned date. If the travel advice changes, the mission will be postponed. Do you have any questions about the programme or logistics and financial matters? Feel free to get in touch! For more information, please contact Lotte Hendriks, lotte.hendriks@tfhc.nl, +31(6) 820 63 608
Source: Task Force Health Care