Stroke portal: digitally supported interprofessional collaboration for personalised home rehabilitation

Stroke portal: an innovative digital infrastructure for interprofessional collaboration and personalised home rehabilitation

In this project, a stroke portal built on an innovative technological infrastructure for interprofessional data sharing, communication and collaboration is developed to support patients’ integrated, personalised home rehabilitation process after stroke. The innovative nature of the portal concerns a technological infrastructure that allows both a patient and his primary care health professionals to access relevant patient data in the electronic client files (ecf’s).

Thus, relevant patient data registered by health professionals will be accessible in the original sources (ecf’s) , rather than being transferred between ecf’s on a copy-paste basis. The project is conducted in close collaboration of public partners (knowledge, educational and health organisations) and private partners (technology SME and health entrepeneurs), the majority being participants of the Platform Personalised Health.

Specifically, this industrial research aims to gain knowledge about requirements for accessible functional technology and sharing of relevant data to accomplish effective communication and collaboration among primary care professionals. This will contribute to continuous, integrated and personalised home rehabilitation for the benefits of optimal functioning and participation of stroke patients in their daily lives. For accurate employment of the innovative stroke portal, also insights in required health professionals’ awareness and skills are gained.

The participatory action research approach in this project, with both health professionals and patients involved in the iterative development and evaluation of the portal, warrants users’ needs for accessibility of the stroke portal to be taken into account. Specific attention will be paid to inclusive accessibility for patients and caregivers with all levels of literacy, health and digital skills.

The project will yield a working version of the stroke portal and outcomes of the perceived usability and benefits by patients and health professionals. In addition, in the interest of sustainable human capital, an educational stroke portal will be delivered for health professionals’ training.

This project addresses the challenges of interprofessional collaboration for the benefits of integrated and personalised home rehabilitation after stroke. To this end, a innovative technological infrastructure for interprofessional data sharing and communication is developed and evaluated. Attention is paid to an inclusive, accessible design for both professionals and patients.
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
6 - 7
Time period
24 months