Dutch Life Sciences support the Open Science Cloud
On the 28th of June several leading organisations in the Dutch life sciences field presented Mr. Paul Timmers, Director Digital Society, Trust and Security of DG CONNECT of the European Commission, with a statement on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) expressing their strong support to the further development of the EOSC.HollandBIO presents plan 'Life Sciences 2030'
Nederland heeft een nationaal fonds voor life sciences nodig. Dat en meer staat in het toekomstplan voor de life sciences in Nederland, opgesteld door de sector, op initiatief van belangenorganisatie HollandBIO. Het plan bevat een scenario om in 2030 bij de wereldtop in de life sciences te gaan behoren.
Polyganics Announces CE Mark for a Nerve Capping Device for Treatment and Prevetion of Symptomatic Neuroma
Polyganics, a privately held medical technology company focused on the commercialization of proprietary products and technologies for peripheral nerve reconstruction and regeneration, announced that it has received the CE mark for NEUROCAP.Mercurna: Winner of the Venture Challenge 2016 Spring Edition!
At the LifeSciences@Work Alumni Summit of June 17th, Nico van Meeteren, Director of Top Sector Life Sciences & Health announced Mercurna as the winning team of the 15th Venture Challenge.
BIO International in San Francisco
Afgelopen week was het weer tijd voor de BIO International Convention, de grootste biotech conferentie ter wereld, ditmaal in San Francisco. Met 16.000 deelnemers, 35.000 één-op-één partnering gesprekken dé place to be als je actief bent in biotech.
Galapagos included in AEX Index
Galapagos NV maakt bekend dat Euronext Galapagos NV vanaf 20 juni 2016 zal opnemen in de AEX Index op Euronext Amsterdam. Galapagos is het eerste biotechnologiebedrijf ooit om in de AEX Index opgenomen te worden.Schippers and Kamp sign broad Health Deal for targeted decisions in oncology
Ministers Schippers (Health) and Kamp (Economic Affairs) signed a ‘Health Deal’ on decision support in oncology today, with a large number of parties. This Health Deal is to contribute to the optimal availability of medical information. In doing so, privacy, data protection and patient security must be guaranteed at all times.