
First creative coalition for better design future healthcare

Zes creatieve MKB bedrijven met een focus op zorg en welzijn hebben zich op 16 januari j.l. aangesloten bij U CREATE, Centre of Expertise Future Health Design. De coalitie bestaat uit de Utrechtse bureaus Greenberry, Gainplay Studio, Design Innovation Group, Ideate uit Amersfoort, het Amsterdamse IJsfontein en Panton uit Deventer. Door participatie in innovatieve consortia, onderlinge kennisdeling en het inzetten van tal van ontwerpinzichten en methoden, maken de partijen zich hard voor een betere vormgeving van toekomstige zorg.
First creative coalition for better design future healthcare

SAAP-148, a powerful new weapon against drug-resistant bacteria inspired by the human body

How do you cure bacterial infections that can not be controlled with antibiotics? This is possible with peptides: short chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.
SAAP-148, a powerful new weapon against drug-resistant bacteria inspired by the human body

Batavia Biosciences Teams Up with International Consortium to Support Polio Eradication

Today Batavia Biosciences announces its partnership with an international consortium coordinated by PATH aiming to develop and manufacture safer novel oral poliovirus vaccines (nOPV). The project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has the potential to bolster efforts to sustain a polio-free world after the disease has been eradicated.
Batavia Biosciences Teams Up with International Consortium to Support Polio Eradication

Top Sectors continue cooperation on human capital

De Topsectoren en Team ICT continueren in 2018 hun gezamenlijke uitvoering van de roadmap “Human Capital Topsectoren 2016 – 2020”. De ambities die de Topsectoren in 2018 willen realiseren, staan in het Werkplan 2018. Daarbij sluiten de Topsectoren hun gezamenlijke activiteiten expliciet aan op de maatschappelijke uitdagingen, sleuteltechnologieën en de thema’s van de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda en Horizon2020.
Top Sectors continue cooperation on human capital

60 Projects get access to DTL Technology Hotels

In the Enabling Technologies Hotels (ETH) programme, life science researchers can apply for funding to get access to the high-end equipment and expertise of 130+ Technology Hotels that are listed on the DTL website. ZonMw has just announced which projects will be funded in the fourth call of the ETH programme.
60 Projects get access to DTL Technology Hotels

A world premiere in the Catharina Hospital: heart locally cooled with innovative method

Cardiologen van het Catharina Ziekenhuis zijn erin geslaagd om voor het eerst ter wereld bij mensen het hart plaatselijk te koelen tijdens een hartinfarct. Door een deel van het hart vóór en na het dotteren te koelen kan volgens de cardiologen de schade van het hartinfarct mogelijk worden beperkt en een aanzienlijke gezondheidswinst worden behaald. Deze innovatieve procedure is samen met wetenschappers van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) en LifeTec Group in Eindhoven ontwikkeld.
A world premiere in the Catharina Hospital: heart  locally cooled with innovative method

Subsidy scheme for demonstration projects, feasibility studies and investment preparation studies (DHI)

The DHI scheme subsidises demonstration projects, feasibility studies and investment preparation studies. This scheme is meant for Dutch companies that would like to execute a specific project abroad, to invest in an enterprise or would like to convince potential buyers of the added value of their technology. The DHI scheme is open to projects in all sectors and countries (with the exception of the Netherlands, overseas parts of the Dutch Kingdom and countries that are subjected to sanctions).
Subsidy scheme for demonstration projects, feasibility studies and investment preparation studies (DHI)

Professor Bredenoord wins prize for the most visible Utrecht scientist 2017

Prof. dr. Annelien Bredenoord, hoogleraar Ethiek van Biomedische Innovatie en verbonden aan de faculteit Geneeskunde en het Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, heeft de Universiteit Utrecht Publiprijs 2017 gewonnen.
Professor Bredenoord wins prize for the most visible Utrecht scientist 2017

Johnson & Johnson Innovation Champions Leading Edge Science with 15 New Collaborations with Potential to Impact Patients’ Lives

Johnson & Johnson Innovation LLC today announced more than a dozen new collaborations to drive the development of novel solutions to impact healthcare. These collaborations bring the total number of strategic transactions executed by Johnson & Johnson Innovation to more than 350 since its establishment in 2012.
Johnson & Johnson Innovation Champions Leading Edge Science with 15  New Collaborations with Potential to Impact Patients’ Lives

How can mathematics solve your challenge in life sciences?

Mathematics provides a surprising amount of techniques to solve challenges in the life sciences & health sector. Does your company have such challenges but no time to look into them? Or would you like to strengthen your contacts in the academic world? Sign up for the TU Eindhoven study group!
How can mathematics solve your challenge in life sciences?