Programme day Human Measurement Models: Creating Impact Through Models With More Accurate Prediction for Humans Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration

On the 4th of October, researchers, non-profit organisations and companies gathered for the yearly Programme day Human Measurement Models. The theme of this day was to exchange knowledge about the development of new human measurement models which uses humans as a base: the so-called ‘human measurement models’. These models are based on human material, such as stem cells, tissue after an operation or ‘Organ-On-A-Chip’.

This day was organised by the Association of Collaborating Health Foundations (Samenwerkende Gezondheidsfondsen, SGF), Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH; Health~Holland), NOW-domain TTW and ZonMw who set up the research programme ‘Human Measurement Models’ together. This research programme started in 2021. In total, 9 million euro was awarded to 13 research projects. These projects involve a collaboration between companies and non-profit organisations such as the Dutch Society for the Replacement of Animal Testing (Stichting Proefdiervrij) and other health funds, who also play a role as indispensable co-financers. In some cases, even patient representatives are involved in these projects.

There is a possibility that these human material-based research models mimic the situations in humans more accurately than models based on laboratory animals, emphasises Tom Oostrom, managing director of the Dutch Kidney Foundation. The results can be implemented more specific and faster in practice. Besides, the results are also available for patients when a model is more comparable to the human situation. This way, science focusses more on human and even personalised measurement models, which results in that we become less dependent on laboratory animal research.

‘"We will get the desired inclusion much faster if we collaborate with patients equally and involve them with determining what is achievable for them in a study." – Tine van den Bos, chair of the Foundation Bekkenbodem4All involved in the IP-ABC project.

It is a new research field where the latest technologies are being used. The goal of the day was to increase the bond between the projects and those who are involved to exchange generated knowledge from the projects to help each other out. This was facilitated during this day through pitches and discussions about common challenges. One of these challenges is how to handle variability of a human measurement model. Furthermore, extensive consideration was given to the possibility to bring the lab to the clinic and what challenges come with this.

"I was mostly oriented on biology and now I looked more closely to the technological side and from the perspective of a company. I did not know how to deal with other angles and perspectives, but now I know who I need to bring everything together."- Marit Keuper-Navis, researcher involved in the DEDOC project.

"In this context it could be seen that a few concrete initiatives were taken for the quality, validation and standardisation, production and upscaling of these models." - Janny van den Eijnden-van Raaij, managing director hDMT.                                       

Even though these projects differ in content, an important observation of this day is that there are many comparable challenges. When we join forces, much more is possible.

Programme day Human Measurement Models: Creating Impact Through Models With More Accurate Prediction for Humans Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration

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