Health~Holland Update: Towards an Inclusive Society – Unlimited Participation 

A chronic illness or lifelong disability can go hand in hand with a high-quality life. People with disabilities can and want to participate and be an equal member of our society. Moreover, people with disabilities are as talented as any other citizen. So, their potential is extremely valuable when it comes to making the health and care sector and new technological and social innovations fit for the future.

However, equal participation in society is not always obvious. This can and must change. Mission III of the Mission-driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy for the Social Theme Health & Care therefore states: By 2030, the proportion of people with a chronic disease or lifelong disability who can participate in society according to their wishes and capabilities is increased by 25%. 

This future will not come by itself. A strengthened directing role of citizens, also in the role of patient, and cooperation between citizens, government, knowledge institutions and companies are necessary to allow everyone to participate as desired and as best they can.  

What does unlimited participation in an inclusive society look like? Read the latest Health~Holland update to find out!

Read the Update: Towards an Inclusive Society – Unlimited Participation


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