SME Call 2025

The Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) encourages innovative research by (financially) supporting public-private partnerships (PPP) in the life sciences & health sector. This scheme encourages for-profit enterprises and research organizations to jointly invest in research and development (R&D) with the aim of developing sustainable innovative products and services within the LSH sector for the purpose of generating economic revenues. The Top Consortium Knowledge and Innovation (TKI) office is the operating body of the Top Sector LSH and can financially support a collaborative project by awarding PPP Subsidy.  

Within the mission-driven top sector and innovation policy, the Top Sector LSH focuses, with the public private partnerships, on the social theme Health & Care (MT G&Z). The Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) 2024-2027 Health & Care describes the ambitions within the MT G&Z and the corresponding strategy to realize these ambitions. One of these strategies concerns the engagement and stimulation of SMEs. In the Parliamentary Letter Innovation and Impact from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, these ambitions are explicitly highlighted and will be continued in 2024-2027. To realize this strategy, the SME Call was created. After two successful rounds in 2023 and 2024, it was decided to continue the SME Call in 2025 and expand the call to two rounds per year.

For 2025, Topsector LSH has reserved approximately €8 million in PPP subsidy for the SME Call, divided over two rounds of approximately €4 million. Through this call, SMEs can receive subsidies under certain conditions to have one existing or new R&D FTE working on an industrial public-private partnership project.

What can you apply for?

SMEs can in total apply for up to €150,000 of PPP Subsidy per project year. Research organizations may claim up to a maximum of €150,000 PPP allowance per project. The project lasts up to 2 years.

When can you apply?

Applying for Round 1 of the SME Call 2025 consists of the following two steps:

  • Step 1: Pre-application submission (submission open from October 31, 2024; 12:00 CET to December 2, 2024; 12:00 CET).
    • All preliminary applications will be considered and evaluated on the terms of the SME Call scheme. Thus, unlike last year, there will be no use of a first come, first serve procedure.
    • Given the expected volume of preliminary applications, we will apply the evaluation criteria very strictly. This means that there will be no possibility to address omissions in the preliminary application.
  • Step 2: Submit full application (deadline February 11, 2025, CET 17:00)
    • Only parties that fully comply with the terms of the scheme at pre-application may submit an application.

Applications can be submitted at

Read the full grant call

The full grant call can be found below, which contains all specific information about this call. In addition, the corresponding submission documents can also be downloaded here. 

For further questions, please contact Sten Heck (Program Coordinator) and/or Daan Dolfing (Program Assistant) via