Join this online Info Day and discover the wide range of support services that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) provides to researchers and SMEs in the pharmaceutical and med-tech sectors.
The European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Medicine Agency (EMA) invite you to attend the EIC-EMA Info Day on January 31, 2023 to hear about the wide range of support services provided by EMA to researchers and SMEs active in research and innovation in the pharmaceutical and med-tech sectors.
During the online Info Day, you will learn on how to engage with EMA at different development milestones, and on the range of EMA support services including those targeting gene and cell therapies, and orphan medicines. You will also hear about the benefits to apply to the Innovation Task Force (ITF) services, PRIME and Scientific Advice as well as practical details on how to prepare and submit applications. Moreover, you will hear real examples of advice given through these services and will testimonials from academic researchers and companies funded by the EIC Pathfinder and Accelerator programmes on their experience with EMA services.
EIC grantees and future EIC applicants are strongly encouraged to participate. The event is also open to researchers and SMEs funded by other EU programmes.
This event is relevant if:
You are you an innovator in the health-tech sector funded by the EIC or other EU programmes.
You are in the early development stage of a medical technology or pharmaceutical, and have not considered regulatory aspects of your innovation and support from authorities.
Your medical technology or pharmaceutical development is more advanced and you want to learn how to best apply to European Medicines Agency (EMA) services such as PRIME or Scientific Advice.
Discover the agenda of the event and the speakers here!
Source: ec.europa