On the 30th of June 2022 the ECDT organises the first conference about Dementia, Design and AI in Eindhoven.
The conference is meant for research institutions, care professionals, companies, informal caregivers and for you!
This location will host the first international conference on “Dementia, Design and AI (DDAI2022), organised by the Expertise Center for Dementia & Technology (ECDT) in collaboration with Alzheimer Nederland and JAIN.
The programme
In the morning, three renowned experts in the fields of Dementia, Artificial Intelligence and Design will tell their stories. These are tree diverse topics that we would like to see come together and merge during this congress.
During the morning programme there will be plenty of time and opportunity to meet colleagues and liked-minded people, especially during the extensive lunch.
During the afternoon programme, participants can choose between two sessions. One session will focus on experiences and examples of the use of technological innovations in healthcare practice – both from the perspective of the person with dementia and that of the healthcare professional. For example, a young woman diagnosed with Alzheimer will give us an insight into her life.
Parallel to this, the second session takes place in which we pay attention to the conditions for successful development and implementation of technological innovations in dementia care. There will be looked at technology from different perspectives, including the business side, and the importance of quality assurance or certification of warm care technology. Experiences from the unique European Certification-D programme will be shared. Furthermore, also attention will be paid to a number of important ethical questions that may arise and which we should be aware of during the introduction and use of technology in dementia care.
After these sessions everyone will join each other in the large room again. Marco Blom of Alzheimer Nederland and Wijnand IJsselsteijn and Rens Brankaert of ECDT conclude with a reflection on the day: the usefulness of intensive collaboration and the exchange of information and experience. After the official part, an informal get-together with snacks and drinks is planned.
Conferentiecentrum Eindhoven
Geldropseweg 168A,
5613 Eindhoven
By car: Navigate to: “Geldropseweg 170 Eindhoven”
Parking is free.