Do you want to boost your business with Southeast Asia? Are you eager to have face to face meetings with key-decisionmakers and do you want to experience the main health care developments with your own eyes?
Join the first physical trade mission on Life Sciences and Health to Southeast Asia since two years. This trade mission takes place from 16-20 May 2022 and is targeted at Indonesia and one other country: Thailand or Malaysia. The mission offers you excellent opportunities to reconnect with important stakeholders and key decision-makers. Participation will also provide you with a better understanding of the impact of Covid-19 on the health market and corresponding needs and opportunities.
This mission is part of a multi-annual public-private programme Strategic Multi-Annual Market Approach (SMM) programme targeting South East Asia focused on connected care. More information about this long term programme and its activities can be found here.
Latest trends and developments in South East Asia
Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand show strong economic growth and are being subjected to more investments in healthcare and well being. All countries are focused on improving the access to care, efficiency and effectiveness of care with digital as well as physical solutions. The Netherlands actively encourages partnerships in the field of connected care with Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia to address these challenges together!
In addition…
- About 80% of medical devices in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand are being imported
- The ASEAN region is characterised by the large disparities between care facilities in rural- and urban areas.
- All countries are facing a growing number of non-communicable diseases
- Private health care providers are the main drivers in the adoption of digital solutions and state of the art hospital design and infrastructure to increase efficiency
- Public health care providers are more focused on prevention, including screening programmes and ensuring access to care in remote areas.
More market information can be found in these market reports: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand.
What to expect?
This mission will provide excellent opportunities to reconnect with relevant business contacts and to learn more about the latest trends and developments in Indonesia in combination with Thailand and/or Malaysia. The choice for the second country will be based on the interest of the Dutch sector in consultation with the respective embassies. You can indicate your preference on the registration form.
(Please note that the below items may be subject to change)
- Introduction and latest updates about the local health care markets
- Collective visits to relevant LSH stakeholders; such as the ministries of health, leading public- and private hospitals, relevant associations and healthcare facilities
- Seminars/roundtables focused on specific topics matching Dutch and local interest
- Networking reception where you can meet and invite (new) local business contacts.
- Individual matchmaking (optional and against an additional fee)
- Knowledge sharing and possible cooperation with participants within the Dutch LSH Delegation.
- Presence and support from the Task Force Health Care, our liaison for Indonesia (Ms Duma Evi) and the Dutch embassies.
To increase the quality and success of the mission, individual intake meetings will be organised to prepare for matchmaking. After registration, you will receive more details. The programme will be updated in the coming months. The input of participating organisations will be taken into account.
Who should join?
The LSH mission is relevant for organisations active in the Dutch Life Sciences and Health sector, in particular for those in the following fields:
- Digital Care & Transformations: data-driven solutions and accompanying digital infrastructure, that contribute to improving access to and quality of care within, outside and between care institutions. Focused on prevention, education & training, diagnostics, treatment and monitoring in primary-, hospital- and elderly care.
- Healthcare infrastructure: products and services related to the design, construction, furnishing, equipment, operation and maintenance of hospitals, clinics and healthcare facilities. Improving the access to primary care in rural areas and communities.
Note: In favour of the scope and quality of the mission, it is possible to accept or decline participants who do not belong to the relevant target group for this mission.
Start: May 16, 2022
End: May 20, 2022
Participation fee
The participation fee is € 500,- (excl. VAT) (maximum of 1 participant per organisation).
Matchmaking is optional and will be offered against an additional fee of € 250,- (excl VAT) per organisation.
This fee includes participation in the collective programme, collective local transport and local support by organising parties. Costs for travel, including the regional flight from Indonesia to Thailand and/or Malaysia, accommodation, meals, translators and individual transportation are not included.
Register today!
If you want to be part of the Dutch LSH delegation, please register before 1 March 2022.
Source: Task Force Health Care