HollandBIO is thrilled to reopen it’s doors! Join us to celebrate the power of biotech at the Dutch Biotech Event 2021!
About HollandBIO’s Dutch Biotech Event
The Dutch Biotech Event is a yearly event for members, invitees and others interested in entrepreneurship. The program exists out of a couple of keynote speakers that bring life sciences and entrepreneurship together in an inspiring talk and workshops and break out sessions that contribute to the development of the entrepreneurs and/or their companies.
Program (CET)
12:45-13:30 pm – Registration, coffee & tea
13:30-14:45 pm – Plenary session. We are happy to welcome our keynotes: Paul Sekhri, CEO of eGenesis, and Linda Dijkshoorn, CEO of EV Biotech. More information about the speakers can be found below.
14:45-15:30 pm – Networking break
15:30-16:30 pm – Breakout sessions. You can choose between four different break out sessions. More information about the sessions can be found below.
16:30-20:00 pm – Networking drinks and BBQ
Who can join Dutch Biotech Event?
The Dutch Biotech Event welcomes HollandBIO members (registration free of charge, max. 3 delegates per organization) and employees of other biotech R&D companies (registration fee €150,- p.p., max. 3 delegates per organization).
If you’re not a member, nor a biotech R&D company, please contact HollandBIO’s Robbert to find out more about the options to join the event.
Pregistration is now open. Preregister here!
Please note
Preregistration does not guarantee a seat at the event yet. Ongoing COVID-19 restrictions may force us to limit the amount of registrants. In due course, we will confirm your attendance or inform you about alternative options to attend the event. HollandBIO follows the guidelines provided by the Dutch government and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).
Practical information
Date: September 8, 2021
Time: 12:45 pm – 20:00 pm, including drinks and BBQ
Venue: InnStyle, Herenweg 55 Maarssen
Source: HollandBIO