Are you considering doing business in Indonesia, Malaysia and/or Thailand or are you already active in these countries and do you want to boost your business in these markets? Join this unique virtual trade mission (June 28 – July 1), aimed at increasing your knowledge about and establishing new connections with this region.
Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia offer many opportunities for the Dutch Life Sciences & Health (LSH) sector, also in these digital times. Meet stakeholders from the so-called ASEAN region who, like you, want to collaborate on Life Sciences & Health. This mission offers you the opportunity to broaden your knowledge in an accessible way and provides you with new contacts through targeted individual matchmaking. You will create a solid foundation for your business to get off to a flying start as soon as physical visits are possible again.
This mission is the first activity of the multi-annual public-private programme (SMM) focused on positioning the Dutch LSH sector in South East Asia. The corresponding activities build on existing market knowledge and entries from the Dutch government and Task Force Health Care. Based on the needs of the Dutch LSH sector, in-depth follow-up activities are facilitated.
Why ASEAN-3?
- The introduction of universal health care, the growing middle class and medical tourism in the ASEAN region results in high demand for both public and private care;
- About 80% of medical devices in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand are being imported;
- Covid-19 boosted the need for digital solutions significantly. All ASEAN-3 countries are looking for smart solutions for remote care;
- The ASEAN region is characterized by the large disparities between care facilities in rural- and urban areas. Dutch solutions in the field of infrastructure and digital care can help reduce these disparities;
- All ASEAN-3 countries are struggling with the challenges of an ageing population and a shortage of medical staff. Therefore, they are eager to improve the efficiency of health care.
The mission provides you with the opportunity to get a good overview of the short- and medium-term plans of governments and other stakeholders, including managing the impact of COVID-19.
- You will have the possibility to further explore the most important opportunities for your organisation and to expand and/or consolidate your contacts and network;
- Thematic (interactive) virtual sessions to deepen specific market sector combinations;
- Country sessions in which key considerations for (not) entering the market are discussed;
- Customized individual virtual matchmaking (one-on-one appointments per company), such as conversations with agents, distributors, public decision-makers and private healthcare providers;
- Matchmaking on your own initiative via the virtual b2match platform.
For whom?
The mission is exclusively open to Dutch companies and knowledge institutions from the Life Sciences & Health sector that are active in the field of Connected Care: solutions that increase access to, the effectiveness and efficiency of care. Think about:
- Digital Care & Transformations
- Healthcare infrastructure
Participation & costs
Sign up to participate in this virtual mission. Note: each participant must register separately. The deadline for registration is Friday 28 May. Participation in the virtual mission costs €250 (excluding VAT) per Dutch organisation, with a maximum of 2 participants per organisation. Every 3rd and subsequent participant from the same organisation pays €125 (excluding VAT).
Task Force Health Care (TFHC) and RVO find it important that participating companies fall within the aforementioned structure and thematic focus of the programme. Registration does not automatically mean participation in this mission.
Up to 15 companies can make use of tailor-made individual matchmaking. Register on time, since there is no guarantee that you will participate in the matchmaking after the registration deadline (Friday, May 28).
More information
Do you want more information? Have a look at the website. Do you have questions about this virtual mission? Please contact Esther van den Heuvel (Task Force Health Care).
Source: TFHC