From novel materials to a certified medical devices: follow workshops, lectures from academia and industry as well as pitches from innovative SMEs to get an insight into medical applications of tomorrow. Look for new collaborations and find business connections during online matchmaking sessions in the morning and afternoon.
We cordially invite you to attend this third edition of "Biomedica on the Move" that is exceptionally organized as a combination of:
- 4 parallel online workshops targeting MDR issues in the morning
- Biomedica on the move session as MATMED event focusing on innovative materials in the afternoon
- MDR-CONFERENCE with a common keynote in the late afternoon
- 2 EEN 1-1 matchmaking sessions during the whole day
The speakers are (among others):
- Mariette Geltink-Verspui, Manager New Business Incubation & Development Fujifilm
- Judith Heikoop, Chief Executive Officer at IME Medical Electrospinning
- Martin Abel, Head of Clinical Regulatory Affairs, Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH
Find the detailed programme and more information on the website.
Registration is free of charge but without exception mandatory.
Source: Biomedica on the Move