Smart hospitals intent to provide valuable services to achieve better patient care, but what infrastructure and smart features are needed to re-design, connect and redefine the delivery of care?
Oulu Health Digi Booster facilitates collaboration between Finnish and Dutch smart hospitals to contribute to the fast growing needs of the health care sector and give tech businesses the opportunity to discover the full potential of the technologies that define the hospitals of the future. The meeting in April will provide a unique look on smart Dutch and Finnish hospitals and the way they transformed their hospitals to improve the delivery of care.
- Heidi Tikanmäki - Key Account Director, Health & Life Science department at BusinessOulu in the City of Oulu
- Desirée Kopmels - The Ambassador of the Netherlands to Finland
- Drs. Anja D. van der Heide (MCM) - Staffadvisor Strategy Development & External Relations, Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen
- Nico Kalden - Project Manager MICIS & infusion technology, Erasmus MC Rotterdam
- Pia Liljamo PhD (RN) - Development Manager, Oulu University Hospital, Corporate Services, Health Village, Oulu
- Maaike van Mourik - Programme Manager, Smart Hospital RadboudUMC, Nijmegen
- Sanne van Alphen (RN) - Smart Hospital RadboudUMC, Nijmegen
- Murk Westerterp - Business Marketing & Sales Leader for Connected Care in the Netherlands at Philips
This event takes place on April 22, 9:00-11:00 NL time, 10:00-12:00 FI time.
Source: Oulu Health Events