Do you want to learn how TFHC can support your organisation in this time of corona? You are cordially invited for the spring edition of our annual partner meeting, this time online.
The coronavirus has an enormous impact on the health sector and international trade and collaboration. The majority of TFHC Partners are hit hard in their mainstream international activities. We are also very joyful that many partners are still able to contribute to the battle against the coronavirus.
In this TFHC Partner Meeting, the focus will be on both developments. With practical information and support that might help you today and tomorrow. There will be shared how TFHC focuses on a stronger promotion, international agenda and additional support based upon your needs, to accelerate the realisation of the international ambitions of TFHC partners.
More information about the webinar programme.
Two live webinars will be organised each containing the exact same programme, this way you can choose with day/time suits you best. Please register by clicking on one of the two dates, presented below.
We encourage the distribution of this invitation to colleagues within your organization who are (also) engaged in international activities, who can register via the same links.
Source: TFHC