For a third time, the Avicenna: Health Hack is organized in the Netherlands! Due to the successes of past years the Avicenna: Health Hack committee and MIT Hacking Medicine have joined forces again to ensure a first-class event. During the hackathon, hundred participants from different areas of expertise will design and create innovative solutions for health care-related challenges. By combining the expertise of students, patients, health professionals and IT-professionals, this hackathon will stimulate novel ideas that will generate impulses towards healthcare innovation.
Will you accept the challenge to take on innovation in healthcare? If so, come to the Avicenna: Health Hack on 15-16 February 2020 at the Hogeschool in Utrecht.
Despite the fact that a hackathon for ICT-professionals may be a familiar concept, it is still relatively new within the healthcare sector. In a nutshell, a hackathon is an interdisciplinary event where participants from different areas of expertise collaborate in teams to find innovative solutions to healthcare related challenges under expert supervision in the course of a full weekend. During the hackathon, participants aim to develop the best ideas for actual products or prototypes in order to make a big difference for patients as well as healthcare professionals around the globe. The event also offers the opportunity for extensive networking: connecting with people from other areas of expertise can drive surprising collaborations.
The theme of the third edition of our hackathon in 2020 will be ‘Ageing’. It is a broad and currently a very discussed theme.
Every healthcare fanatic is welcome to participate in the hackathon, whether you are an IT-professional, health professional, student, policy maker, entrepreneur, consultant, patient or designer. The price to participate for students is €25 and for professionals €50. The price is for the whole event, which includes drinks, snacks, 2x lunch and 1x dinner.
The hackathon will take place in the building of the ‘Hogeschool Utrecht’, Padualaan 99, The Netherlands.
At the end of the event, the jury will award prizes to the best teams that will have the chance to further develop their prototype under guidance of experts and can bring their product to the market.
Source: Avicenna Hackaton