The Partnerships MeetUp brings together those who pioneer medicine through close collaboration. The event offers inspiring keynotes and interactive parallel sessions, with contributions from professionals in academia, pharma & medtech industry, and patient organizations. Are you interested to hear more about trends and innovations relevant for research consortia in the medical space? Would you like to learn more about the essentials for successful partnerships? Then sign up for the fourth edition of Lygature’s annual Partnerships MeetUp in Utrecht this year on Tuesday, 29 October!
The Netherlands is an international frontrunner in public-private partnerships and specifically in the key sector Life Sciences & Health. Through Lygature, the Dutch experience in this sector is put to work and makes the connection to an international level. The Partnerships MeetUp is an excellent forum to learn, grow your network and share your own knowledge and expertise. You can expect to hear engaging ideas on effective public-private partnerships and explore new ways to bring solutions to patients more quickly.
An interesting and thought-provoking day is guaranteed, including inspiring keynotes by Jayasree K. Iyer - Executive Director of the Access to Medicine Foundation - and Rogerio Gaspar - Vice President of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences and Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon.
The parallel sessions in the morning are grouped around ‘Key trends for Science in Partnerships’. These sessions will focus on Artificial Intelligence in medicine development, Next-generation leads targeting neglected tropical diseases and Personalized cell-based therapies and diagnostics.
The theme of the parallel afternoon workshops is ‘Essentials for Successful Partnerships’, exploring successful integration of ethics in partnerships, Open Science and Patient Engagement at different stages of drug development.
Registration is now open for the fourth edition of the Partnerships MeetUp, at Media Plaza in Utrecht on 29 October 2019. Get ready to ‘Pioneer Medicine. Together.’
The Partnerships MeetUp is organized by Lygature, a not-for-profit partnership management provider based in the Netherlands. Visit the website for more information on the event.
Below is a video report from last year's Partnerships MeetUp: