Reflecting on how design and research efforts unfold in the context of living, working and caring for/with people with dementia.
The theme for the Dementia Lab 2019 is “Making design work: Engaging with dementia in context”. This theme focuses on research and design happening in direct engagement with people living with dementia, and their wider social and care networks. This call for participation welcomes especially contributions that reflects on how design and research efforts unfold in the context of living, working and caring for/with people with dementia.
‘Making design work’ zooms in on what ‘works’ or ‘does not work’ in terms of design, technologies, services, environments or design methods in these contexts of living, caring and working. Questions that can be tackled by a contribution that focuses amongst others on the relational character (of, for example, the designer or researcher with the contexts, carers, family and/or persons with dementia), challenges of materiality (what visual, tactile, olfactory, or other materials ‘work’ for and with people with dementia in context) or temporality (what engagement in time is needed to let design or research work and have a sustainable impact on people with dementia). In Dementia Lab we avoid to see people with dementia as the physical or cognitive characteristics of the syndrome, or as a collective, but rather focus on their personal and lived experiences. In doing so, we are considerate to the identity of and role people with dementia themselves can play.
Interactive session ZonMw on the challenges and opportunities of collaborations between creative and health disciplines
In developing applications that make a difference in living with dementia, creative and health disciplines join forces. The Dutch funding programme Create Health facilitates such collaboration to gain fundamental knowledge that can be used in the development and implementation of e-health solutions. In this interactive session, six research project will present and discuss their results. From the opportunities of involving dementia practice in research and ways of interacting with people with dementia to the challenging dynamics of combining design and research in a project.
For more information and application visit the website of the Dementia Lab Conference