The Medical Delta Conference 2019 brings together all stakeholders in healthcare innovation. The occasion marks the official launch of their scientific programme 2019-2023.
Focusing on technological solutions for tomorrow’s healthcare, Medical Delta facilitates research programmes and collaborations among leading scientists in their region, and between scientists, companies and end users in the cross-sectional domain of healthcare and technology. Furthermore, this collaboration stimulates talent, creates and exchanges knowledge, and accelerates the valorisation of research results into daily healthcare practice.
Moderator Maria Henneman will host the plenary sessions of the conference, that also contains thematic breakout sessions and an exhibition where research programmes and healthcare innovations will be presented.
12:30-13:15 Registration, lunch, exhibition
13:15-14:00 Welcome and introduction
14:00-15:00 Break-out sessions on four main topics:
> Imaging and big data for life
> Medical instruments for diagnostics and treatment
> eHealth & selfmanagement
> Personalised, precision and regenerative medicine
15:00-15:30 Short break, exhibition
15:30-17:00 Plenary session (in Dutch), keynotes speeches by:
> Bruno Bruins, Minister for Medical Care
> Jeroen Tas, Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer, Philips
> Ton van der Steen, Chairman, Medical Delta
17:00-18:00 Exhibition, networking drinks
14:00-15:00 Break-out sessions on four main topics:
> Imaging and big data for life
> Medical instruments for diagnostics and treatment
> eHealth & selfmanagement
> Personalised, precision and regenerative medicine
15:00-15:30 Short break, exhibition
15:30-17:00 Plenary session (in Dutch), keynotes speeches by:
> Bruno Bruins, Minister for Medical Care
> Jeroen Tas, Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer, Philips
> Ton van der Steen, Chairman, Medical Delta
17:00-18:00 Exhibition, networking drinks
For more information and registration visit the website or send Medical Delta an e-mail: