Leiden Bioscience Park is one of the five largest bioscience parks in Europe and the largest in the Netherlands. It excels in therapeutics R&D and offers a broad range of biotech service companies, especially in the area of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering where there are many innovative developments. At this side event on 15 March Mimetas, Ncardia, and Ocello will present their platforms and major pharmaceutical companies show how these technologies contribute to their business.
Find the programme below (exact times may change).
- 10.00 hrs Arrival at the Leiden Bio Science Park
- 10.00-10.15 hrs Introduction into the local Life Sciences & Health ecosystem
- 10.15 – 11.30 hrs Presentations by Mimetas, Ncardia and Ocello
- 11.30 – 11.45 Break
- 11.45-13.00 hrs Presentations by (at least) 3 major local pharmaceutical companies
- 13.00-14.00 hrs Networking lunch
- 14.00 -15.00 hrs 1:1 discussions or site visits to companies of choice
- 15.00 hrs Return to Amsterdam (Leiden is located in the proximity of Schiphol Airport, at only 20-30 minutes)
More information and registration
For more information and registration visit the website of InnovationQuarter. The website will be updated regularly.