Network Event with Singaporean Delegation
8 March, 2017 | 14:00 – 18:30 | Utrecht
Innovative Approaches for Healthy Ageing & Elderly Care
The Task Force Health Care, the Netherlands Embassy in Singapore and invite you to the Network event “Healthy Ageing in Singapore and The Netherlands: Shared Challenges, Smart Solutions” on Wednesday 8th of March, 2017. This event is organised as part of the visit by a Healthy Ageing delegation from Singapore to the Netherlands through the “Influentials programme” of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Opportunities in Singapore
Singapore, an island country with a population of 5.4 million, is well-known for its efficient and widely covered healthcare system. The rapidly ageing population is becoming an increasing concern and priority. In August 2015, the ‘Action Plan for Successful Ageing’ (press release | plan) was launched by the Government of Singapore. A budget of 3 billion Singapore dollar (ca. 2 billion Euro) is allocated to enable Singaporeans to age successfully. This generates an increasing demand for expertise, products, services and innovative approaches towards healthy ageing and elderly care. Singapore is highly interested in Dutch smart solutions related to eHealth, ICT, data, serious gaming, devices, training & education to support prevention, care and rehabilitation in place.
What to expect
After an introduction of the latest developments in Healthy Ageing in Singapore (provided by the invited delegation), you will have the opportunity to identify and discuss partnering opportunities in research, innovation and business development for your organisation or consortium.
13:30 Registration
14:15 Welcome & Opening by TFHC
14:30 Introduction by Singaporean Delegation
14:45 Healthy Ageing in Singapore: A Brief Introduction
15:00 Meet & Greets Round I
15:45 Coffee Break
16:15 Meet & Greets Round II / Round Table Discussions
17:00 Closing Remarks
17:15 Network reception
18:30 End
Registration for this seminar is mandatory and free of charge.
Please register before the 23rd of February via this link.
More information
For more information please contact Erik Pentinga: or +31 (0)70 219 9007.