Empowering Personalized Medicine & Health Research
Theater De Flint, Amersfoort
Scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations create opportunities to tailor healthcare to the individual patient, and to promote health and prevent disease. Worldwide, personalized medicine and health is recognized as the next big dot on the horizon for health care.
Efficient development and validation of personalized medicine and health is hampered by fragmentation, lack of harmonization, interoperability and access to relevant data sources. To improve collaboration and data sharing, a new generation research infrastructure is required. Therefore, several Dutch research organisations have jointly developed the Health-RI initiative. Health-RI stands for ‘Health research infrastructure’. It offers a clear vision and roadmap to establish a single interconnected national infrastructure for personalised medicine and health research.
The program of the Health-RI conference, on December 1st, will give an insight into current and future developments of health research as well as initiatives to connect biomedical scientists, informaticians, clinicians, patientcare and industry. Foreign initiatives in personalized health approach will showcase their experiences.
Health-RI is the initiative of existing large infrastructures, BBMRI-NL, ELIXIR-NL, and EATRIS-NL (all strongly anchored in European ESFRIs), UMCs/NFU, DTL, and Health~Holland in order to create a sustainable solution.
We will register this conference for accreditation. All details can be viewed in the ABAN agenda.
Register via www.nlhealthresearch.nl