On 7 June 2016, U CREATE is looking forward to introducing you to the developments that connect health care and the creative industry. During our Doctor+Designer Crossover Conference, we will set the bar quite a bit higher: we will not only discuss the opportunities that cooperation between care professionals and designers can offer, we will also start new initiatives and show how innovation is within the reach of everyone.
What are the factors that can help bring about innovation? Doctor and Designer Joyce Lee (MD, MPH, University of Michigan) will show us from three perspectives: those of the doctor, the patient and the designer. She will present a fascinating case study that explains how simple and enlightening innovation on the work floor can be.
Breakout sessions
We have also put together 2x7 breakout sessions to help you learn more about how to innovate successfully. The goal of these breakout sessions is to prepare participants to implement innovative processes themselves - either from the creative industry or from the health care sector. Whether you are a project leader, support staff, a designer or a manager, innovation only comes about through solid cooperation. We will deal with the methods, best practices and lessons learned, so the Doctor+Designer Crossover Conference goes beyond simply inspiring the participants.
We will also explain the case studies from two perspectives, presented by people from the care sector and the creative domain. Participants can choose from among the following disciplines:
- Health meets Design
- Health meets Architecture
- Health meets Media + ICT
- Health meets Fashion
- Health meets Culture
- Health meets Branding
- Health meets Game Design
Come join us!
Do you work in the creative industry, health care or welfare? Would you like to gain insights and practical knowledge about how innovation can be implemented successfully? Then you won’t want to miss this event?
Sign up at www.ucreate-events.nl, where you can also find the full programme for the conference. Come acquire knowledge, share knowledge and let us introduce you to the teams who design the care of the future!